Wini Smart Originals

Scroll down to see the complete collection of original artwork by Wini Smart now available for purchase. Please contact us for questions or to place an order. Learn more about the artist Wini Smart by clicking here.
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Maine – Oil Paintings


Florida – Oil Paintings

Florida – Watercolors

Florida Everglades – Oil & Watercolor


France – Oil Paintings & Watercolors

The artist has often traveled to France with friends, artist groups, and on solo trips. “I like the thrill of a new location,” Wini explained, “France offers countless subjects and it feels like my second home. Monet’s garden at Giverny, bright poppies in the fields of Provence, the wonderful architecture of Paris, all beg to be painted once again. Walking or painting en plein air at the site allows me to really know the area. So much can be missed by the casual tourist.”

Italy – Oil Paintings & Watercolors

Wini Smart relates, “My most recent trip to Italy was taken with my daughter, Gail Cleveland, who’s also an artist.  After a hair-raising drive from France to the coastal town of Portofino, we put the car in the town’s garage for the duration of our stay.  The little town was so beautiful, we spent the whole week painting right there.  The light was fantastic on the buildings and boats, all reflecting in the harbor.  Other trips to Venice and Florence resulted in piles of sparkling watercolors.  Many sketches were elaborated into large oil paintings after we returned home.”

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